Characteristics of LPG
LPG is an exceptional source of energy which can be used in different applications.LPG has two origins: approximately 60% is recovered during the extraction of natural gas and oil from the earth, and the remaining 40% is produced during the refining of crude oil. LPG is thus a naturally occurring by-product. In the past, LPG was destroyed through venting or flaring (i.e. the burning off of unwanted gas), wasting the full potential of this exceptional energy source.
- LPG allows efficient cooking: LPG is easily controllable so it helps consumers to cook with desired heat or flame intensity.
- Density: LPG at atmospheric temperature and pressure is a gas which is 1.5 to 2.0 times heavier than air. It is readily liquefied under moderate pressure. The density of the liquid is approximately half of water and ranges from 0.525 to 0.580 @ 15 deg C.
- LPG is heavier than air: When LPG leaks from the cylinder, the vapor will flow and accumulate at the ground level. Therefore, leaks are dangerous as LPG can burn when it comes in contact with any source of ignition.
- LPG is odorless and colorless: To detect leakage, LPG is given its distinctive smell by adding a special stenching agent that will ensure it can be detected even if the leakage is well below the level of flammability.
- LPG is portable: LPG can be transported, stored, and used virtually anywhere. Although LPG is stored as a liquid, it is generally used as a vapor. One unit of liquid LPG will generate 270 units of LPG vapor or gas.
- Explosive limit: LPG has an explosive range from 2.1% to 9.5% volume of gas in the air. This is considerably narrower than other common gaseous fuels.
- Auto Ignition: Autoignition of LPG is around 410 to 580 deg Centigrade hence it will not ignite on its own at normal temperature.

LPG Production & Distribution

Natural gas processing
When gas is drawn from the earth, it is a mixture of several gases and liquids. Commercial natural gas is mainly composed of methane. However, it also contains ethane, propane and butane in accordance with the specifications for natural gas in each country in which it is distributed. Therefore, before natural gas is marketed, some NGLs, including LPG (propane and butane) are separated out, depending on the ”wetness” of the gas produced: NGLs represent 1 to 10% of the unprocessed gas stream. Worldwide, gas processing is the source of approximately 60% of LP Gas produced.
Crude Oil Refining
In an oil refinery, LP Gases are produced at various stages: atmospheric distillation, reforming, cracking and others. The LPG produced will be between 1 and 4% of crude oil processed. This yield will depend on the type of crude oil, the degree of sophistication of the oil refinery and the market values of propane and butane compared to other oils products. Worldwide, refining is the source of approximately 40% of LPG produced.
Image taken from WLPGA. For more information please visit WLPGA 

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